Jumat, 04 Agustus 2017

Enchantment Beauty Waterfall Curug Sodong || Indonesia

If you are a nature lover maybe you will not miss to visit the waterfall curug sodong located in Ciwaru village, Ciemas Subdistrict, Sukabumi Regency. Curug Sodong is a natural destination in the form of a waterfall consisting of two types of waterfalls with different heights.

Sodong waterfall itself is a tourist attraction located in the village Ciletuh Geopark area. This waterfall has a height of up to 20 meters, the uniqueness of this waterfall itself is a beautiful landscape that is so beautiful and cool, because the waterfalls around the growing by the trees are beautiful and green.

Maybe you will wonder why the name of this waterfall is named "Sodong" in Sundanese own Sodong is the name Cave or basin like a hole. So to get the name of this unique tourist destination of the people of Sunda named waterfall with the name of Waterfall Sodong. But there is information from the surrounding community that explains that the name is in the waterfall Curug Sodong waterfall from twin waterfall and Curug Penganten.

Location And Ticket Price

For the location itself I have explained at the top, Curug Sodong location is located in the village Ciwaru, Ciemas district, Sukabumi district. To travel alone from the city of Sukabumi to curug sodong can reach 3-4 hours. As for the time taken if you are in the city of Jakarta or Bandung about 8-10 hours.

It also depends on the level of congestion on the highway. For the price of own entry to Curug Sodong not expensive, one person IDR 2000 only, while for parking vehicles around IDR 3000. How do you intend to go to Curug Sodong? Many interesting things you can get there. Have a good vacation.
